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Special Days

From the album Special Days

I met my love at the old race track
We didn’t look forward didn’t look back
Our lives were instantly entwined
On that special day

I asked her what brought her to this place
Where the world once came to race
Now left behind by changing winds
No sign of horse nor hay

Those special days, those special days
In wind or rain or sun
They change our lives for ever
And all those yet to come

I was looking through some photographs
When one brought me along this path
My father’s father standing here
In this special place

A bookmaker was he by trade
A much loved man who always paid
Laid to rest long before I grew
But there’s something in his face


My father’s father also came
Throughout this land he well knew fame
He rode his horses like the wind
His 1st place always sure

He often talked about this track
And when he talked his tears came back
He spoke of a friend he held so dear
Lost in that great war

And as we looked in disbelief
At the photo how our thoughts did weave
Our fathers’ fathers standing there
In this special place

They seemed to come alive and say
Welcome to this your special day
your roots are distantly entwined
And now’s your time to race