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The Analyst

Song Not Yet Released

I’ve come to you today to ask for your advice
Please won’t you help me if you can
There is no meaning in my life no place to rest my soul
I leave my future deep within your hands

Please come in and take a chair, fill in all these forms
Stack them up and put them in the rack
At the moment we’ve an offer two solutions the price of one
Guaranteed success or your problems back

Your trouble is quite common we get it all the time
It’s due to childhood fears of the dark
Just do some mental exercise deep thinking and the like
And put everything you’ve got into your work

A month has now gone by since I came for your advice
Please won’t you help me if you can
There’s still no meaning in my life no place to rest my soul
I leave my future deep within your hands

Please excuse me if you would I must just look this up
The answer lies within the laws of Zen
It’s the upward inward movement
Of a rhubarb when it flies and how quickly you can count from A to ten

I’ll try and make it simpler so you will understand
As you seem confused with everything I’ve said
Just tell yourself you’re wonderful, three times a day at meals
And one more time before you go to bed

A month has now gone by since I came for your advice
Please won’t you help me if you can
There’s still no meaning in my life no place to rest my soul
I leave my future deep within your hands

Listen Mr. Analyst I know that you mean well
But my problem is my loneliness you see
And I’ve seen you go home every night to an empty house
And you don’t seem any happier than me

But I’ve seen the way you look at me your eyes give you away
Your head is stone but your heart is made of glass
Now if we could go out walking and act as lovers do
I’m sure that both our problems would be past

A month has now gone by since I gave you my advice
Please won’t you help us if you can
There’s still no meaning in our lives no place to rest our souls
I leave our futures deep within your hands

It’s true I have these feelings of that I can’t deny
But I must detach myself for logic’s sake
Love may be the answer and a simple one it’s true
But simplicity does not a theory make

But facts are always cold in bed that is also true
Where warmth and love are radiant in your eyes
So let us go out walking and act as lovers do
And leave our futures deep within the sky

A year has now gone by since she went for his advice
And it really didn’t matter what he said
For now there’s meaning in their lives a place to rest their souls
And their future lies within their marriage bed


This was the first song I wrote after a five-year sabbatical from music in the late 1980s. I was single and living in Los Angeles at the time, and every woman I met had either been in therapy, was having therapy, badly needed therapy, or was a therapist.