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I Used To Be

From the Album  Weave

I used to be the driver
Of a distant steaming train
A might beast at my command
That laughed at wind and rain
I used to be a footballer
With FA cup in hand
But then the dream was over
And the real world came along

I used to be a rock star
With screaming axe in hand
My fans would queue for hours
To watch me with my band
I used to be a businessman
When I could do no wrong
But then the dream was over
And the real world came along

Dreams are what you make them
They are at your command
But luck is still your master
And will laugh at all your plans

I used to be a writer
Selling scripts to Hollywood
Complete with score and leading part
That Oscar sure felt good
I used to be a rock star
The second time around
But then the dream was over
And a new one quickly found

Now the days are shorter
And my hair once used to be
I know too well just how kind
Fate has been to me
I never could have dreamt so well
And it’s only now I see
This life I lead in paradise
Is what I never used to be

This life I lead in paradise
Is what I never used to be


I have spent my life dreaming and can’t remember ever taking up a hobby without wanting to become professional at it. I was going to be the first person ever to represent his country in football, cricket, boxing and fishing. These weren’t just idle dreams but passionate ambitions. Then there were the lesser dreams like becoming a professional stamp collector, writer, cyclist and card player.

Needless to say, when I started playing guitar, I dreamt of being a rock star, but if you had asked me what my ultimate goal was, I would have said to live in a sleepy little Mediterranean village. By an extraordinary twist of fate, I achieved my goal, and although I still write and dream of recognition, I am aware that success would take me away from a life I love. So why do it? In the words of the scorpion, “It is in my nature.”