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A Bachelor’s Lament

From the Album  Terasa

I go where I want to, do as I please
Follow the sunshine, sail with the breeze
No need to argue, or make a scene
Don’t have to say where I have been

I sleep the whole night with the sheets on my back
Pack all my belongings into one sack
Don’t hear complaining, I get no tears
Don’t have to count the cans of beer

Love I know can be so unkind
It will crush your heart and rob you blind
I know it only brings you pain
But I wish I was in love again

Don’t have to sit through hours of ballet
Can sit by the T.V. and eat from a tray
Don’t have to visit people I can’t stand
Can keep my head buried firmly in the sand

I get no complaints about nothing to wear
Can through the day on a song and a prayer
Don’t have to come home after a flirt
Worrying about the lipstick on my shirt


I separated from my first wife in 1989 after being together for twelve years. I never had any trouble meeting women, so at first, I relished my newfound freedom, but it wasn’t long before I remembered that I was a one-woman man. I wrote this song in a tiny house in Arundel in mid-winter on a particularly gloomy day. A few weeks later I met Federika.